S1.EP5 - Freelance Q&A: Pricing, clients and roadblocks

I'm talking with 2 amazing creators @simon_deckers and @shot_by_brent, who helped me get into that freelance life.

You asked some questions on instagram, so we sat down to answer the Q&A!
Talking about pricing yourself, how to get and keep clients and overcoming the first roadblocks.

In the small fragment below:

How do you become a filmmaker and where do you learn filmmaking as a beginner? Do you need filmschool to be a filmmaker or can you learn everything from other filmmakers on the internet. I asked a couple of my mentors on how they got started.


S1.EP6 - How Chickens go Viral with @sander.bauwens


S1.EP4 - Casey Neistat: Selling ideas, The messenger & Creating meaningful content